Account Application

    Company Details

    Type of Business

    Credit Limit £

    Account Type

    Account Type

    Details of Sole Traders / Partners / Directors / Trustees

    Further Details (1)

    Further Details (2)

    Further Details (3)

    Trade References

    Trade Reference (1)

    Trade Reference (2)


    This section is simply to help us understand your requirements. Therefore, we can organise our logistics accordingly to service you in the best way possible. We will not hold you to these answers.

    How many days per week will you require an order to be delivered?

    Which days of the week will they generally be?

    What will your average spend per order be?

    Which type of products we have on offer will you be looking to purchase?

    What is the approximate time of delivery you will require? We cannot guarantee times, but will endeavour to do our best.

    Please feel free to ask any questions or make any extra comments…


    Have any of the principles of the business (directors / partners/trustees/proprietor) been declared bankrupt, had a CCJ registered against them, had a VA/CVA registered or been involved in a business that has been liquidated or entered into Administration/Receivership within the last 5 years? Yes / No

    Each signatory to this application agrees to the Terms and Conditions of Sale which are enclosed with this application form, and each signatory also agrees, jointly and severally, to personally guarantee the performance of the contract by the organisation on whose behalf the signature is given, including any financial obligations. In the event of failure or default of this contract, Ribble Farm Fare Ltd has the right to proceed against the signatory personally.

    I/We agree that Ribble Farm Fare Ltd shall use the information in this application for account/credit assessment including the taking up of a bank reference or any other credit check to facilitate the opening of the account. I/We agree that a credit check with a credit agency may form part of this process and any ongoing checks undertaken whilst the account is maintained. I/We understand that the credit reference agency will record any checks made. I/We further agree that such credit checks may relate to any director of the company where this application is made on behalf of a limited company.

    I/We have read the above statements, terms and conditions and privacy policy and agree to all terms mentioned.